Sunday, February 27, 2011

my life to share part 3..

We've waited for a long time for this time to come
but it all ended losing..
we've played hard to get that
silverware but
luck was not on our site..
i cried when Arsenal lose..
a very frustating moment for arsenal fans

We know you worked hard
to win this game
but everything was not meant to be
but we still believe in you
coz in arsene wenger we believe
without you this youngster would have not
be like they were these days

Jack Wilshere
a boy playing like a man
you were stunning
incredible skills and moves
relax and cool on the ball
youve played with great style
but you couldnt help arsenal to win the carling cup


27/2/2011 skali lgi ak msok tempat neh
dga ceramah
mula2 ingt kereta ni susah 
tapi mudah je..
demo kat luar smpai pkol sbelas then msok blik kuliah
dengar ceramah yang mengantok
tpi xpe tahan jeeee..

Pastu pastu gi ah for praktikal pkol 1.30
tnggu nama ak kna pnggil sempat 
tido dlu..ahahaha
pastu nama pon kna pnggil gi tumbprint

pastu ade brother nama axmal xtawu ah da kt lncana dy cmtu
msok ah keta dy tny ape kna bwat sume
pastu dy suroh sorang2 bwak..
oke jeh
then individual drive plak
brother tu da ah strick nk mampos xbes lgsung..
dy kte aku suroh lpas clucth sket yg ang pi lpas tros 
psai pa..
ak pon kte sory ah bang ter..
dlam ati dok kate yg ko dok pressure ak pehal..
ak taw la nk bwak keta da kna mmbebel je mne xbwat silap
tpi apekan daya ak bdak baru blajar
tima kasih kerna sudi mengajar ku..

Saturday, February 26, 2011


wah syok kott citer neh..
mule2 kate ape pnyer citer
org nk number first dy nk number four
but when watch it..
it was like wow
what a great movie..
nasib baek tak beli tiket utk sanctum..
giler kau ttibe tangan keluar lampu
xke tkej0t berok
Diana Argon..
shes beautiful..
argghhh cantekkk
tpi cner pon Demi lovato ur my number one
not number four..


Movie ni best..but where the hack number 5
tngok2 skip tr0s gi number 6
haha number 6 nice..

Monday, February 14, 2011

My LIfe to Share part 2..

Its just that ..

i liked u the way u are..
kite kalau bercinta kena
bimbing pasangan kita ke jalan benar
dan bukan kerana nafsu semata2
cinta pada ALLAH paling penting..
kedua,Cinta pada RASUL
ketiga, CInta pada IBU BAPA...
yang terakhir barulah sesama insan..
semua mengaharapkan kesempurnaan dari pasangan kita
dan xmungkin kita akan dapat apa yang kita harapkan
tetapi REDHA dan SYUKUR yang dapat menyempurnakan


Hail The GUnners..kire mcm underdoq la gunners
org kate arsenal xkuat
but they play the beautiful game..
barca pon da la0k..
love u s0o much..



you said you needed a little time for my mistakes
It's funny how you use that time to have me
Did you think that I wouldn't see you out at the movies?
Whatcha doing to me?

You're taken' him where we used to go
Now if you're trying to break my heart
It's working 'cause you know

That, that should be me holding your hand
That should be me making you laugh
That should be me, this is so sad
That should be me, that should be me

That should be me feeling your kiss
That should be me buying you gifts
This is so wrong, I can't go on
'Til you believe that should be me

I need to know should I fight for our love or disown?
It's getting harder to shield this
pain in my heart

La La La Laaa… La, hari-hari kerja!
La La La Laaa… Bosan dengan kerja, haha!
La La La Laaa… La, hidup harus kerja, kerja!
La La La Laaa… La, hari-hari kerja!
La La La Laaa… Bosan dengan kerja, haha!
La La La Laaa… La, hidup harus kerja, kerja!
Ooh! Terpinga-pinga
Tak puas lagi beradu, mengantuk
Subuh hingga senja
Ah! Hari-hari sama saja
Ah! Nak bancuh kopi
Tapi gulanya tiada, minum saja
Kerja bagai nak gila
Ah! Tak juga kayaaa!

tiap hari balik pk0l 2,3 pagi...mati la week im resigning...manager gaji saya,saya mau..tarak bagi gaji..waa bgi bankrup u pnya piza hut..haha

Thursday, February 10, 2011

my first postt....

she the first reason i created
kinda cute...shes special..
luv kakak angkt only oke..
not more..u break her heart i break
ur entire body..keje nak puk0l jeh
wat salah sket...
pukol nak???
haha lawak laaaaa

weh ko bnyak mmbantu
wlaupon ape k0 ckp ak xpaham
nk jge ati ak iyakan jehh
frens smpai mati...

    Siapa2 pun boleh kata 'I Love u'.. bukannya susah pun, even budak kecil pun boleh
 sebut tuu.. tapi apa yang susah adalah nak mencari kejujuran 
.namun zaman sekarang .'I Love u' tuu tiada maksud apa2 dan sekadar mainan je 
.mcm mana nak percaya kalau dah begitu . huhu .. -.-

its hard to forget one who we really love..but sometimes letting them go
would make them willing to let them go
although it really hurts
hoping she will get someone better than me..
u will remain in my memory forever.

For the first time i had felt what people said 
love at the first sight..
but it was juz only dream that
would never come true..
all i could do is juz hope and hope
for miracles... hut..erghh tiring
damn tired..
kena layan customer yg cerewet sgt
piza lmbat kna marah
kdg2 blah xbyar..
ade ke patot


is like and empty bottle..

When you're chewing on life's gristle
Don't grumble, give a whistle
And this'll help things turn out for the best...
And...always look on the bright side of life...
Always look on the light side of life.

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge

'Cause I know this flame isn't dying
So nothing can stop me from trying

Baby you know that
Maybe it's time for miracles
'Cause I ain't giving up on love
You know that
Maybe it's time for miracles
'Cause I ain't giving up on love
No I ain't giving up on us

I just wanna be with you
'Cause living is so hard to do
When all I know is trapped inside your eyes..


Friendship isn't a big thing - it's a million little things. 
Friends show their love in times of trouble

Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods

A faithful friend is the medicine of life

jauh tapi dekat di hatii....

..mimpi indah..